We performed the experiment "Testing Le Chatelier's Principle" from p.514-517 in the text. 
Homework:  p.459 #2, 3, 5, 6, 8a, 10
Fritz Haber applied Le Chatelier's Principle to develop a process to make ammonia.  The text reference is p.461-462.
Homework:  Use p.515 and Table 2 on p.517 to make predictions for each part of the experiment "Testing Le Chatelier's Principle" by writing down the eqbm. eqn., with the colour of reactant or product underneath.  Then state the result of each change on the equilibrium:  will the shift be toward reactants or products, and what colour change will occur?
_Read the text p.450-456.  Answer p.457 #1, 2, 4-7.
We watched a Myth Busters episode about a variety of methods for cooling beverages, and about the chemistry of cells producing electricity.
Homework:  complete the report for the reaction rate experiment that you designed
_Terminology of the unit was introduced, especially steady state and dynamic equilibrium.  Refer to text p.422, 424-top of 431.  There is a good model of dynamic equilibrium at http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/soluble-salts.  Click on the "Run Now" button, and shake some salt into the water.  Observe, then shake enough to form a saturated solution (there will be salt crystals forming on the bottom).  Watch the salt crystals carefully - this is dynamic equilibrium.
Homework:  Read p.424 and define bold terms; read p.429 and describe continuous and batch systems; read p.430-431 and answer p.437 #1 and p.438 #10
The experiments you designed were performed today.  If you still need to complete your experiment, then come to class at lunch tomorrow.  The lab report (one per group) is due on Monday, Nov. 28.
Students wrote their test today.  Procedure for the designed experiment must be complete for tomorrow.
Students completed designing their experiments, which will be performed on Wednesday.
Homework:  Study for tomorrow's test
Students began designing an experiment to show that when one factor was changed the rate of a reaction also changed.  The experiment will be performed on Wed., Nov. 23.  There will be one report due per group on Mon., Nov. 28.
The unit test is on Tues., Nov. 22.
Review for your unit test by reading your notes and textbook, summarizing important points, completing and checking review questions, and getting help with the questions that have incorrect answers.