We use lines representing light rays to show where an image is located in a plane mirror.  Read p.488-492 to find out more.
Homework:  complete diagram and table to hand in and questions a-e, g-j from Activity 11.8 p.495; p.493 #3-5, 9, 11
We discussed the properties of light.  We began activity 11.8 on p.494-495 of the text.  Each student must complete a diagram and measurement table to hand in for feedback.
We use lines to represent selected light rays in diagrams used to explain the behaviour of light.  Look at p.479-481, p.484-486 for help with these concepts.  Record the laws of reflection from p.484 and draw the diagrams on p.484-485.
Homework:  p.486 #4-6
We discussed luminous and non-luminous sources of light and lasers.  Consult the text p.470-478, and record the name of each type of luminous source, explain briefly how it is produced, and state a couple of examples in table form. 
Homework:  p.476 #1-5, 7-10
We discussed properties and theories of light.  We investigated the images found in plane, concave, and convex mirrors.  Consult the text, p.463-469.
Homework:  read "The Surprising Universe" on p.468-469; answer p.469 #1, 4, 5, 7-9
We investigated some of the properties of light during an activity, and summarized them in our notes.  We learned some of the symbols used to draw scientific diagrams involving light, and how to use ray boxes.
Homework: read p.479-481; answer p.481 #1-3, 5
Textbooks were handed out.  You can access the online text from home. 
Homework:  p.457 #1-7; view the course overview online and show your parents;  have your parents sign the handout and provide their email address