Consult the text p.136-139.
Homework:  p.139 #3, 4
Study for your unit test on Thursday.
Consult the text, p.129-133 for help with this topic.
The topics and review questions for the unit test are in a document called "bio review" on the biology page of the site.
Homework:  Read the paragraph at the top of p.133. 
What else is transported by the phloem sometimes?
Answer p.133 #6; draw the arrangement of tissue types in the leaf, stem, and root, as shown on p.130
Study for your test.
We began to investigate how plants live.  Complete the "What Do You Think" on p.123.  Read p.125-128 and answer p.128 #1-6 if you were absent.
Homework:  p.128 #4-6
Biology Unit Test is on Thursday, June2.
We completed a chicken wing dissection today.  The scientific diagram and discussion question answers must be handed in by tomorrow at the latest if you did not finish them today.
The Biology Unit Test is next Thursday, June 2.
Most groups completed presentations today.  The remaining two will present tomorrow.
We completed a frog dissection today.  Your presentations are to be made tomorrow.
We developed a general idea of how the digestive system works, and watched a short video, that you can access by a link on the biology page of this site.  Text reference is p.80-82.
We discussed the purpose and uses of stem cells for multi-cellular organisms.  Look in the text, p.77-79.
Homework:  p.82 #1, 2, 5; p.79 #3, 4, 6, 7
We discussed how cancer is detected and treated.  Consult the text on p.49-55. 
Homework:  p.55 #6-10
This was the last day for working on the assignment in class.  Rough notes and references in APA format are due tomorrow.
We continued research for the project.  We will present the projects on Wednesday, May 25.