In chemistry, there is a unit of measure called the mole.  It represents 6.02x1023 of anything, in the same way that a dozen represents 12 of anything.  Look in the text on p.171-178 for help.
Homework:  Read p.176, 178;  answer p.177 #13, 14, 16-18; answer p.178 #19, 20, 22
We did an activity to use mass to count the number of small objects in a handful, such as a handful of pennies, or paper clips.  This strategy is used in industry to "count" the number of stir sticks in a box of "approximately 1000".  It is used in chemistry to "count" the number of atoms in a sample of an element.
Homework:  complete the handouts "Significant Figures Worksheet" and "Significant Figure Calculations" found on the Unit 3 page of this site.
You need to be able to express the result of any calculation to the appropriate number of significant digits for the rest of the course.  Significant digits are all the digits in a measurement that are certain, plus the first one that is uncertain.  Consult your text, p.17-22.
Homework:  p.24 #2, 3, 5; p.22 #3
The Chemical Reactions test was written.  Complete the homework from yesterday's class for Monday.
The average atomic mass found on the periodic table is the weighted average of the masses of all the isotopes of that element.  Read the text, p.162-167 for help.
Homework due Monday:  p.167-168 #2-4; p.170 Section Review #1, 3, 4
Everyone completed an experiment written by another group and suggested how to improve it.
Homework is to study for the test Friday.
The unit test is changed to Friday, March 26, to accommodate a field trip on Thursday.  Today we completed the design of the experiments, and studied for the test.   Tomorrow we will do the experiments and analyse the procedures.
Homework:  bring a copy of the instructions for the experiment to class tomorrow so that another group can perform it.
We reviewed the reaction of metal oxides with water.  We started to design a second experiment, to demonstrate a single displacement and a double displacement reaction.  These will be exchanged with another group who will perfom the experiment then evaluate the procedure.  Work on the review from the text that was posted last time.  The test is on Thursday, just before parent-teacher interviews!
Design an experiment to demonstrate the difference between complete combustion and incomplete combustion.  Write the procedure in numbered steps as orders.  Your unit test is Thursday, March 25.  The only homework is to begin to review for the test.
Test Review:  p.149-150 #1-6, 8-10, 14; p.156 #41.
Your unit test will be the Thursday after March Break, March 25, 2010.  Combustion reactions are reactions that have oxygen as one reactant.  Read p.123-124 including margins. 
Homework:  Answer p.124 #17-20; p.140-141 #1, 2, 4.