We reviewed scientific notation.  A slide show that helps with this is on the unit 3 page of the grade 11 website, and there is more information on p.660 of your text. 
You need to be able to express the result of any calculation to the appropriate number of significant digits for the rest of the course.  Significant digits are all the digits in a measurement that are certain, plus the first one that is uncertain.  Consult your text, p.17.
Homework:  Handout questions A, D, E
The average atomic mass found on the periodic table is the weighted average of the masses of all the isotopes of that element.  Read the text, p.162-167 for help.
Homework:  p.167-168 #2-4; p.170 Section Review #1, 3, 4
Study for your test Monday.
Everyone completed an experiment written by another group and suggested how to improve it.
The Chemical Reactions Unit Test was written.
The unit test is on Monday.  Review questions are on the homework blog from March 22.
We completed the procedures for demonstration of single and double displacement reactions.
Reminderunit test next Monday - review questions on homework blog for March 22.
We worked on the procedures for demonstration of single and double displacement reactions.
Reminder:  unit test next Monday - review questions on yesterday's homework blog
We worked in pairs to find the answers to 4 questions about a series of reactants:  type of reaction, products made, balancing, how to test the products to ensure completion.
Reminder:  the unit test is on Monday.
Homework:  Complete handout on balancing and types of reactions
Test Review:  bottom of experiment design handout (found on Unit 2 page of site as "review.doc") and p.156 #31, 32; p.149-150 #1-6, 8-10, 14; p.156 #41.
We did the experiment on p.136-137 of the text. 
Homework:  Answer the following discussion questions and write a conclusion.  You will hand these in.
1.  Write the balanced chemical equation for each reaction that occurred.
2.  How do you know when a double displacement reaction occurs?
3.  Did your observations agree with your hypothesis?  If not, specify the reaction.  Can you think of an explanation?
Double displacement reactions either produce precipitates, produce a gas, or are neutralization reactions.  We use the solubility table on p.334 to determine whether a precipitate forms.  Refer to p.132-135, 334 in text for help with these concepts.  Have a great March break!
Homework:  p.134-135 #25-28; p.140-141 #1, 2, 4