The mass of one mole of any element or compound has the same numerical value as the average atomic mass, but the units are grams rather than atomic mass units.  We can use this molar mass, with units of g/mol, to find mass of a number of moles of something or to find moles if we are given the mass.  Consult the text for help with this on p.179-187.
Homework:  p.184 #25; p.186 #27; p.187 #31, 32; prepare for the mole cookies lab by completing "Pre-Lab Class Work" from the handout on a separate sheet to hand in.
In chemistry, there is a unit of measure called the mole.  It represents 6.02x1023 of anything, in the same way that a dozen represents 12 of anything.  We watched a video about this.  The link to it is on the unit 3 page of SCH 3U as "Avogadro Calculations".  Look in the text on p.171-178 for help.
Homework:  Read p.176, 178;  answer p.177 #13, 14, 16-18; answer p.178 #19, 20, 22
When using measurements to calculate answers to problems, the number of significant digits in the measured values affects the answer you record.  Consult your text, p.20-22 for help with this. 
We also completed an activity to show that objects can be counted using mass.
Homework:  B&C from back of "Rubber Stopper Isotopes" handout; "Significant Figures Worksheet" and "Significant Figure Calculations" found on the Unit 3 page of this site and on the handout from today.
We reviewed scientific notation.  A slide show that helps with this is on the unit 3 page of the grade 11 website, and there is more information on p.660 of your text. 
You need to be able to express the result of any calculation to the appropriate number of significant digits for the rest of the course.  Significant digits are all the digits in a measurement that are certain, plus the first one that is uncertain.  Consult your text, p.17.
Homework:  Handout A, D, E
The Chemical Reactions test was written.  Complete the homework from Friday's class for tomorrow.
The average atomic mass found on the periodic table is the weighted average of the masses of all the isotopes of that element.  Read the text, p.162-167 for help.
Homework due Tuesday:  p.167-168 #2-4; p.170 Section Review #1, 3, 4
Study for your test Monday.
Everyone completed an experiment written by another group and suggested how to improve it.
Homework is to study for the test.
The unit test is changed to Monday, Oct. 25, to accommodate a field trip on Friday.  Today we  studied for the test.   Tomorrow we will do the experiments and analyze the procedures.
We completed the design of a procedure to demonstrate two reactions.  The unit test was moved to Monday, Oct.25, 2010.
We worked in pairs to find the answers to 4 questions about a series of reactants:  type of reaction, products made, balancing, how to test the products to ensure completion.
Study for the test on Friday.