We started learning about valence bond theory, text reference p.231-232, 236-239.
Homework:  p.230 #4; p.238 #18; p.282 #9, 10
Use Lewis diagrams to illustrate the shapes of simple molecules and ions.  Text reference p.224-229
Homework:  p.229 #10, 12
Use Lewis diagrams to illustrate the shapes of simple molecules.  Text reference p.224-226.
Homework:  p.230 #3, 4a-c
Use the periodic table to write complete and shorthand versions of electron configurations for any element.  Text reference:  p.192-196.
Homework:  answer p.194 #6, 8-10
                   read p.195-196
                   answer p.197 #9, 10, 12
We used the aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle and Hund's rule to draw locations of electrons in atoms on the energy level diagrams in our notes (bottom and reverse of handout with orbital shapes).  We stated the four quantum numbers that provided the location on the diagram of a specific electron.  The handout is found on the unit 1 page as "energy lev diagr note", and there is a blank diagram on that web page for you to print out.  Text reference:  p185-191.
Homework:  p.191 #3a-c, 4 and quantum number handout questions
See text p.181-184.
You are expected to be able to use quantum numbers to describe the location of an electron in an atom.  Each electron in a given atom has a different set of quantum numbers.
Homework:  answer p. 184 #3, 5 and read about tomorrow's topic, p.185-191
All matter has both wave and particle behaviour.  Electrons move in orbitals rather than orbits.
The notes are in the file "Q-M model" on the unit 1 page.
Homework:  Read p.199-200 and answer p.202 #2, 5.
Tomorrow, we will discuss quantum numbers, so read about them on p.181-184.
Bohr attempted to solve problems with the Rutherford model as well as explain the line spectrum for hydrogen.  Notes are in the powerpoint file "bohr atomic theory" on the unit 1 page of SCH 4U.  You are expected to explain how experimental work by Rutherford and Bohr contributed to the solar system model of the atom.  Refer to text, p.174-179.
Homework:  p.180 #1, 2, 9
                   Read p.169-172
Review of Atomic Theory
In groups, we reviewed the theories of the atom and some properties of elements and compounds.
Homework is to look at the course overview on the Lourdes science website with your parents and have them sign the confirmation sheet and provide an email.